Category: Tools

What Proofreading Apps and Grammar Checker Can You Use (Free of Charge)?

Writing is an art by itself and crafting interesting pieces that will keep your readers engaged and informed is what you should aim at whenever you write.

As a freelancer, you need to make sure your writing flows well, and it’s free from any grammatical or spelling mistakes before you hit the publish or send button.

What are the Best Research Tools For Content Ideas (Free & Cheap)?

In order to create relevant content, you need to know what your audience is looking for. Otherwise, no one is going to read your content.

It can be overwhelming to decide if the topic you are writing is precisely aligned with your target audience.

How Do I Maintain a Website as a Freelancer?

You did it! You conquered one of the greatest hurdles standing in the way of becoming a freelancer.

You created your professional writer website… all by yourself.

How Can My Local Library Help My Freelance Business?

When starting our freelance businesses, it seems like everything costs money.

A computer to do your work on? Money.

Certain softwares needed for your craft? Money.

What Are the Best Small Home Office Ideas for Freelancers?

As a freelancer, sometimes you have to get creative with your home office ideas.

Ultimately, it’s nice to have a dedicated workspace where you can keep things organized and stay focused.

What is the Best Invoice Software for Freelancers?

When did you realize that being a freelancer also meant managing a business?

Probably soon after you got your first client.

How Can I Create a Recurring Revenue Stream by Setting up a Video Course?

After working hard to create content for your freelancing business and build your personal brand, it is time to look for ways to create additional sources of income as well as alternative lead generation sources.

Re-packaging your content can be an excellent way to reach a wider audience and increase visibility, breathing new life into the content that you’ve already produced.

Specifically, creating a video course can further promote your personal brand (allowing you to start charging more), as well as create a passive income for your business.

What are the Best Tools for Writing Compelling and SEO-Friendly Web Posts?

Writing may seem like a an easy thing to some people.

All you need to do is to unite the words into sentences, right?

But you know the truth: Writing any content can be immensely complicated.