Elna Cain

How Do I Submit My Work As a Freelance Writer?

You just landed your first freelance writing client. Fist-pump! You’re excited and can’t believe someone will actually pay you to write. You can finally call yourself a freelance writer. But, with that excitement comes some apprehension.

Bernadette Gallagher

What Are the Best Freelance Marketing Tips for Beginners?

As freelancers, we have many tools at our disposal we can use to market ourselves and our services. A lot of these freelance marketing techniques are free, simple and quick to learn, and allow you to target your intended audience and customers.

Audra Rogers

How Do I Overcome Rejection in Freelance Writing?

Rejection is a big part of the freelance writing world, especially when you’re first starting out and trying to establish yourself. As writers, having our work rejected is a lot like someone telling us our baby is ugly. It’s our word art, arranged just so, and it’s hard not to take it personally. Though I’ve been a writer for several years, I’ve only now just started to try and make a living from it. So I am in

Lisa Fourman

How Can I Freelance When Dealing With Anxiety?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, an estimated 31% of all adults will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their life. Dealing with anxiety can make having a corporate job incredibly difficult, which is why I’m sure you’ve decided to become a freelancer. The thought of making your own schedule and taking days off as you’d like without having to ask a supervisor sounds appealing. However, you also have to