What are the Writing Tools Freelance Writers Need?

I think it’s safe to say that every freelance writer has sat and stared at their screen with absolutely no idea where to start.

Whether working on a client project or building your portfolio through guest posting, every freelance writer struggles with the actual process of writing once and awhile.

Not to mention…everything else!

What Are the Best Small Home Office Ideas for Freelancers?

As a freelancer, sometimes you have to get creative with your home office ideas.

Ultimately, it’s nice to have a dedicated workspace where you can keep things organized and stay focused.

How Do You Write Better?

Did you know that it took the infamous writer, J.K. Rowlings five years just to plan the whole story of the magical young boy Harry Potter?

Five years, even before she started to write the story!

As an online writer, I’m sure that you are always looking for new (and easy) ways on how to write better.

How Do You Land a Freelance Job When There’s Competition?

There are over 57 million freelancers in the US alone.

If you are suddenly faced with working from home indefinitely, how can you ensure that you will actually make it and land a freelance job when there’s competition?

How Do You Improve Your Writing Process for More Productivty?

If you’re new to freelancing, then you probably know that being productive is a challenge since you have to motivate yourself to work.

Writing is no different – especially if you’re a freelance writer.

Since I have been freelance writing for over six years, I have written over 2,000 (if not more) articles. When your words pay the bills, you don’t have time to mess with poor time management.

What If I Cringe At My Bad Writing? Why That May Be a Good Thing

Feel you have bad writing?

When I’m not writing, blogging or building my business, I enjoy supporting others in their journey to become freelance writers.

Are You Making These Silly Mistakes as a Freelancer?

The world of freelancing is new for many people.

Most of us start out with a job and stay with that job for years. Or, we bounce around from one job to another, working for someone else.

So, when the thought about becoming a freelancer pops into your head, you’re bound to make silly or sometimes, stupid, mistakes at no fault of your own!

How Do I Write an Article for a Freelance Client?

So, you landed your first client! Woo-hoo!

All that pitching and negotiating finally paid off. You two settle on 2-3 articles a month and your first project is due in a week.