
How Do You Bounce Back And Start Your Freelance Work?

You’ve been trying to make a living as a freelancer for months or years, but you have failed.

Your freelance business is not growing or you are receiving negative feedback from most of your clients.

How Do You Bounce Back And Start Your Freelance Work?

You’ve already lost motivation and feel freelancing is not your thing. [Learn] how to bounce back and start freelance work.

People you know in the industry are doing well, but you are stuck.

You’ve already lost motivation and feel freelancing is not your thing. You feel giving up is the only option.

Regardless of where you are in your freelancing journey, and how you feel, something needs to change.

Learning how to bounce back and start freelance work is a process.

Let’s look at how you can start your freelance work after a failure.

7 Foolproof Steps to Bounce Back After a Failure

Setbacks are an important part of being a successful, especially in the freelance business. Essentially, it’s reasonable to take some time to mope.

However, you should take the shortest time to mourn.

Once you have grieved the loss, it’s time to bounce back.

So, how do you raise again? This is your guide to help you get back on track soon.

1. Evaluate the Circumstances that Led to the Setback

Before going back to your freelance work, you need to step back and analyze what happened. This is important to avoid repeating the mistakes that led to your business failure.

As well, the evaluation process is not the time to bash yourself, but to objectively think through the situation. You can seek advice from your close friends or business coaches.

By analyzing what led to your setback, you can easily figure out the practical options to bounce back. Some of the practical options could be taking up a course, revamping your CV, or changing your approach to getting new clients.

2. Be Professional As a Freelancer

It’s always necessary to air out your grievances, especially when you feel attacked unfairly. Maybe the negative feedback you got from that client was malicious.

However, you need to act maturely when handling criticism.

Always be gracious and your clients will appreciate your positive approach. You may win back the confidence of your client by simply responding positively to their negative feedback.

Also, it will be easier for you to take your business back on track when you are reasonable and professional in your approach.

Since you are doing everything professionally and systematically, you are likely not to feel overwhelmed.

3. Remain Focused On Your Freelance Work

A setback in your freelance work is not the end.

It’s always another amazing opportunity to reassess your business strategy. It’s an opportunity to pause and look back on what really inspires you.

The loss can be the accelerator you have been looking for to push you forward. It can push you to the next level of success or it can be an opportunity to start a new course altogether.

By taking setbacks as a pointer to where your business should be, you become stronger.

Instead of sitting and wallowing in your disappointment, you always think and work towards a better future. With the picture of a better tomorrow, you have the strength to evaluate all the options you have and choose the best path.

4. Don’t Bash Yourself

Don’t be personal when dealing with failure.

It’s never about who you are as a person, but the outcome of what you did. It’s never a sign of inadequacy, but the consequences of a mistake that can be rectified.

To easily forge forward, think of failure as an opportunity to grow.

Step back and rebuild your resilience by listing and focusing on your strengths. By staying positive, you are more likely to attract good tidings as you forge forward.

Also, you are more productive when you view setbacks as indicators to improve, put more effort and employ the necessary resources for better results.

5. Develop a Healthy Daily Routine and Stick to it

When something fails, it’s tempting to have a pity party.

However, what you do every day determines where you will be in the days to come. If you completely get stuck, then you are likely to become a real loser.

However, you can change your freelance business story by doing something positive each day. With your eyes focused on a better future, do positive things every day.

Remember, your life is mainly determined by how you respond to uncontrollable setbacks. If you decide to act on faith, then you will definitely become stronger, more resilient, and more successful.

6. Network

Most opportunities are never advertised. You are required to tap into your network.

And, if your business is not growing as you would wish, it’s time to reach out to your friends and everyone you think can help you.

A few people within your network may know of better opportunities. They can advise you on the best courses you can take to advance your skills.

Also, you can request them to reach out to people within their circles who can hold your hand.

So, don’t walk alone in case of a setback.

Many others have been there and are willing to help. You only need to contact them. You will be surprised by the help you will get.

7. Diversify Your Income Streams

As a freelancer, you still have other crucial skills you can draw upon.

Analyze the various skills you already have. Maybe you have learned and polished important skills such as digital marketing, web design, among many others.

If freelancing is an uphill task for now, then you can diversify by offering other services such as social media marketing.

Importantly, you can leverage these additional skills to grow your freelance business to a more productive venture.

For instance, to multiply your income, you require a website and digital marketing. You can design your business website and handle digital marketing.

Wrapping It Up

Turn every negative experience into an opportunity by applying all the above seven tips. Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your main goals.

While a few things may not work, your major focus should always be on success.

You will realize in your journey to success you are required to consistently make adjustments on the way. You can always re-strategize and plan to start again.

Next time you hit a roadblock, don’t give up.

Dust yourself and begin again.

If the goals you set are not realistic in your specific circumstances, you can set new goals. You can also break down the goals into small, easily achievable milestones.

Importantly, learn to always celebrate the small wins. Little steps in the right direction amount to a beautiful end. Stay motivated.

Over to you – have you had a setback recently? How did you bounce back and continue with your freelance work and putting yourself out there?

Tell me in the comments!

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