Category: Marketing

How Can I Attract My First Client Quickly?

As a new freelance writer, you’ve done tons of research, read widely and taken a number of free courses online.

You’ve also stalked some experienced freelance writers and lurked on various powerful blogs and websites.

But even after all these …… you are yet to attract your first client.

How Do I Sell Myself as a Freelancer on My About Page?

When it comes to selling yourself on your writer website, your About page is one of the most important pages to get right. It’s one of the most visited pages on the average website but unfortunately, it’s also one of the pages that many freelance writers sell themselves short on.

How Come I’m Not Landing Any Freelance Jobs?

You don’t seem to get it.

You went through the preliminary steps to get your freelance writing business off on the right foot.

How Can I Use Pinterest to Build My Personal Brand as a Freelancer?

As a freelance writer, it pays to have a strong personal brand to show potential clients that you know your stuff.

You probably already have a LinkedIn profile, and you may also be active on Twitter and have a business Facebook page but there are other less obvious ways to use social media to demonstrate your credentials and expertise.

How Can I Improve My Chances of Landing Freelance Writing Gigs?

Let’s face it, landing writing gigs is the number one thing that stresses us freelancers out. It doesn’t matter if we’ve been at it for seven years or seven days, getting clients is always the number one problem.

Without clients and gigs, we don’t have a business. It’s kinda essential, you see.

But in the early stages it can be really frustrating when you apply for literally thousands of jobs and only hear back from a few. And even then the answer’s usually a resounding “no”.

How Do I Send a Truly Effective Cold Pitch?

Ah, the cold email. It’s a blessing, but also a curse. It’s such a devilish thing, either leaving you whooping with joy with a new client, or sobbing quietly because no one even so much as replied.

The cold email. What are your secrets?

How Can I Get Enough Freelance Work Each Month?

Maybe you’re someone who’s thinking about dipping their toes into freelance writing, or maybe you’re a seasoned pro who knows the ins and outs of the industry.

Whether you’re a beginner or have been writing for years, there will always be times when you worry about having enough work.

What Do I Do If I Suddenly Lose All My Clients?

Freelance writing comes with its risks, especially if you’re doing it full-time. The worst thing that can ever happen to you, though, is to lose every single client at the same time.

It’s rare, but it does happen, and trust me when I say you never want it to happen to you.