Can I Start My Freelance Writing Business For Free?

You don’t have the money to start a business. After all, freelance writing is supposed to help you make money, not spend it.

You get excited when you can start making money instantly (and at no cost) on content mills and bidding sites. And there’s always Craigslist.

See? There are plenty of ways to build a freelance writing business for free.

Do I Need a Degree to Be a Freelance Writer?

I have to be honest with you. I think I scare a lot of new freelance writers. Not because I look funny or act evil or anything.

It’s because this year, I’ll be graduating with a degree in communications.

Doesn’t sound so scary, does it? Nope, not really.

Is the Client Always Right? What Should I Do If My Writing Client Isn’t?

You hear the phrase all the time: The customer is always right.

Want to know a secret? That’s a lie.

What Are Some of the Best Gifts for Freelance Writers?

Wondering what gift to get the freelance writer in your life? Or maybe you’re a freelance writer who doesn’t know what to ask for!

Fear not. You don’t need to buy a shiny new laptop or a complete office remodel to make the freelance writer in your life happy, and you don’t have to stick with asking for gift cards if you’re a writer.

What Makes Good Author Headshots As a Professional Writer?

When you launched your freelance or author business, you put a lot of thought into it. You thoroughly considered what services you would offer, what domain name you would buy, and what courses you would invest money in to help launch your career.

But how much thought did you give on how to take a professional headshot as a professional author?

If the answer is “Not much,” it’s time to change that.

What Are Facebook Author Tags, and How Can Writers Set Them Up?

Like many freelance writers, you’re probably using social media as a marketing tool. Chances are you’ve chosen a couple of social platforms to work with, but if you’re not currently using Facebook to brand your writing business, now might be the time to start. If you are using Facebook for your writing, listen up.

Facebook recently announced author tags, which is a new function designed to help journalists, bloggers, and publishers reach a wider audience on Facebook. That means you!

Do I Need a Blog as a Freelance Writer?

I’m going to be dead honest with you. Running a blog is tough work. Sometimes I ask myself why I ever started a blog.

Yet when you’re just dipping your feet in the water, it seems like every freelance writer has a blog and that it’s some sort of “right of passage” or the only way to land clients.

That’s simply not true.

Why Are My Guest Posts Getting Turned Down?

Imagine a stranger approaches you with a smile, extends his hand, and says, “Hi, Sir. Want to date?”

Nevermind the fact that you’re actually a ma’am, thank you very much.

Although the stranger seems nice, you’d probably eye him suspiciously, say no, and run away, right?