What Are the Best Online Merchant Services for Charging Freelance Writing Clients?

You work your butt off for your paychecks. Unfortunately for freelancers, we have to arrange every single paycheck. No convenient and regular direct deposit transactions for us.

Nope. We have to create every invoice for every project. Luckily, there are a lot of services that make the invoice process easier. Not so lucky for us, there are a lot of online merchant services to choose from, and finding the right one for your business can be frustrating.

The sad truth is that I can’t give you a clear-cut answer to this question. Which online merchant service is right for me? That’s like asking what color looks best on you. It all depends.

Am I Worth More Than Pennies Per Word as a Freelance Writer?

You took up freelance writing for one of two reasons:

Will Freelance Writing Make Me Happy?

Lots of people hate their jobs. I mean, lots of people. According to a Gallup survey, 70 percent of people hate their job.

If you’re one of these people, then you’ve probably thought about quitting your job to start freelance writing. But that raises the question: Will freelance writing make me happy?

Can I Make More Money Freelance Writing Than at My Day Job?

Freelancing has become a huge trend lately, and Intuit estimates that by 2020, 40 percent of the workforce will be freelancers. That could certainly be you.

How Do I Build My Writing Portfolio?

Do you want more clients to hire you as a freelance writer?

The question is undoubtedly yes.

How do you show them what you’re capable of? How do you prove you have the experience they’re looking for? How do you convince them to hire you?

How Do I Attract Clients with My Writer Website?

Wondering how to attract clients using your writer website?

Everyone is telling you that you need a website, but what good does it do if no one tells you how to use it to attract clients?

I used to think the exact same thing.

What Method Should I Use to Charge My Freelance Writing Clients?

When setting your freelance writing rates, it’s tough to decide where to set them and how to set them.

There are three ways you can charge clients.

How Much Should I Charge for Freelance Writing Services?

Starting a freelance writing business? The biggest issue many freelance writers run into is deciding how much to charge for freelance writing services.

You might be wondering how much should you charge for a 500 word article?

Or what  is a good hourly rate for a freelance writer?