Starting Out

Want to Become a B2B Writer? Here is all You Need to Get Started

Are you tired of writing for $6-$15 per hour and burning out frequently writing for content mills?

Let’s face it…

Want to Become a B2B Writer? Here is all You Need to Get Started

Breaking into B2B writing is the best way to bid farewell to content mills and take charge of your writing career.

If you plan to do a living writing, then earning ten bucks per hour will not settle the bills that seem to pile up each day or even give you the satisfaction you crave from writing online.

Breaking into B2B writing is the best way to bid farewell to content mills and take charge of your writing career.

No one is telling you it’s going to be easy.

But just like every important milestone in life, you have to sweat it out to make it possible.

What’s a B2B Writer?

Perhaps, you are still trying to get the picture.

What’s all the talk about being a B2B writer all about?

B2B means business to business writing.

In this type of writing, the writer focuses on helping a business sell to other businesses. It’s the opposite of B2C writing, which is helping a business sell to consumers.

Still don’t know the difference?

Let’s consider this scenario and assume you are writing for a traveling agency in Miami.

In B2B writing, you are helping the traveling agency choose the best platform for selling their holiday packages or the best software for their application programs.

If you are writing as a B2C writer, you may write ad copies or landing pages to help them sell their holiday packages to residents in the local community.

B2B writers usually write blog posts, infographics, case studies and white papers.

This can be in different word lengths.

But most B2B companies prefer long-form blog posts.

Is Being a B2B Writer Worth it?

Many businesses engage in content marketing because they know how important it is for business development and growth in the long term.

But the majority of them run into roadblocks keeping up with the demands of the market and their content marketing strategy.

So if you are a writer that knows how to write about these problems businesses face while selling persuasively to other businesses, your services are in high demand and locked up in just these two words: “B2B writing.”

The truth is that these B2B companies don’t waste your time by offering you peanuts for your services.

They already know the worth of content writing services and the perceived value your content will bring to their businesses.

All they need to do is consider your pitch or writer application based on what they think you will bring to the table if hired.

This doesn’t mean that any writer can just join the bandwagon and assume they are now a B2B writer.

It’s not like jumping on a horse and riding right away. Instead, there are practical steps you must follow to get the attention you seek in your B2B writing business.

This brings us to the next puzzle.

What Skills Do You Need to Become a B2B Writer?

One thing is sure: the market is always there. But how do you know if you will become a successful B2B writer?  Your chances of success are high if you have these skills.

1. Copywriting Skills

Do you know how to persuade with words?

Do you know how to write convincing words that translate into meaningful sentences?

Copywriting is one of the top skills you ought to have as a B2B writer.

It is not just enough to write meaningful content.

Your content must be engaging, easy to read and make the reader yearn for more.

This means you have to reveal facts and not just words in your content. A reader will likely engage with a blog you wrote if they derived great value from it.


As simple as the word “research” might seem, it’s the backbone of success in your freelance journey.

To help you write the kind of content your client will love, you need to research.

With that, you can understand your client’s business, the target audience, buyer persona, the business marketing strategy and how to help them meet their content needs.

Remember that repeat contracts only come from satisfied clients.

So when you help a business smash their content goals, chances are they will hire you again.

And before you know it, you are already collaborating with them in the long term – needless to say, that that is the goal of every B2B writer out there.

3. Business Knowledge

How well do you understand your client’s business?

As a writer trying to build a reputation for your career, you can only write what you know.

That is why choosing a niche is one of the first steps you are expected to have taken before now.

Assuming you are writing for a business in your chosen niche, your client expects you to have expert knowledge about their business, market and vision even before they hire you to write for them.

You are also expected to understand how marketing, leadership, and sales work.

How to Write for a B2B Business

Writing for a B2B business is not easy to teach using a few paragraphs. That’s because it’s a whole book. But you can begin with these few tips.

First, you need to see your B2B client as “a company,” that is mostly concerned about their ROI.

So before the company hire you, they might have a plan or a forecast of how much the investment will make for the business.

Also, it would help if you realize that B2B companies values statistics, facts and useful information.

These companies write for their audience using different mediums – blogs, newsletters, email sequences, landing pages and ad copies.

They also receive content in white papers, press releases and case studies.

All these content types have their various structures, prices and best practices.

Final Thought

Congrats if you have read this far.

Does it sound like B2B writing is the solution your writing career needs to experience a boost?

Then, don’t wait any longer.

It’s time to dish the content mills and open a new page in your writing career.

Remember, no one will do it for you if you don’t do it.

Do some research to know the business that could benefit from your writing.

Then, compile a few samples to show your prospective clients so they can see you as a good fit.

And when you finally hit the milestone, don’t forget to give yourself a nice treat for all your hard work.

Marvis Aigbe is a professional writer with a passion for marketing, sales, and personal development. She works closely with B2B and B2C businesses, helping them achieve their content marketing goals.

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