FFAQs Team

What Elements Should I Include on My Writer Website?

Do you have a freelance writer website? If you just started creating one, it can be a confusing process. You’re already pulling out your hair trying to figure this whole design thing out. On top of that, you have to decide what type of content to include. With so many things going on at once, it’s easy to forget something. You don’t have to fret any longer! Below, we give a quick checklist detailing what you

Charlene Boutin

How Do I Write An Effective Lead Magnet to Promote My Freelance Business?

You’ve tried crappy content mills, online job boards, and even cold emailing – but you’re still struggling to bring in more clients. If you’re trying to jump into full-time freelancing, building a solid client base can be a steep challenge to overcome. Constantly pitching to job boards can help, but relying on these tends to be unsustainable due to the constant effort it requires on your part.

Sola Kehinde

What Basics Do New Freelance Writers Need for Quick Success?

Congratulations! You finally made up your mind to become a freelance writer and you can’t wait for the money to start pouring in.