Elna Cain

How Do I Set Myself Apart From Other Freelance Writers?

This is a great time to be a freelance writer. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s been a 300% demand increase for writers in the last 10 years. Lately, more Millennials are pursuing freelance careers as it’s becoming more of a necessity than a choice. With the 2008 financial crises resulting in more than 2.6 million job losses, it is no wonder that people are breaking into freelancing, particularly freelance writing, to

Gaines Arnold

How Do I Tell a Bad Freelance Writing Client from a Good One?

I’m sure anyone who’s worked as a freelance writer for any length of time has had “bad” clients, right? Even if you are new to freelancing you may have run across a few. You know the ones: the scope creeper that keeps piling on the work. Or, how about the dodger that never answers your email and you have to constantly nag them to pay you?