
How to Win With Heart and Humor in Writing (4 Revolutionary Ways) and Why?

The joke bombed.

That punchline plus your client’s blog was set to go viral.

How to Win With Heart and Humor in Writing (4 Revolutionary Ways) and Why?

It didn’t.

Maybe, your wisecracks should come from professionals.

Wait. People didn’t get it. So, why should you stop being funny?

Trust your instincts. Humor’s in you. And people love it too.

Life is funny. Learn from blogger Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride.

When she stopped blogging about her breasts, her traffic suffered. But when she revisited her bosom, her stats peaked.


No Fear of Tomatoes

Humor writing expert, Leigh Anne Jasheway explains comedy increases your readership.

She echoes, everyone loves a good laugh.

Everything Leigh Anne suggests about writing can apply to blogging and your freelance writing. Today, you need an active blog. This shows new freelance clients you consistently produce quality work.

So, what would Ms. Jasheway say to writers with active blogs in 2020?

Pull readers scanning your text, to places they’ll never guess they’d travel.

Select metaphors and words that prep blog-readers to chuckle without a clue why.

Remember, an amused reader is an engaged reader.

Content with humor locks into your audience’s brain.

More Reasons to Brave the Stage

Our expert explains humor in your writing works in three ways. These translate into the blogosphere.

  • Humor allows bloggers to bond with followers.
  • Humor reduces stress and pressure to perform. That’s why public speakers tell funny anecdotes.
  • Humor makes you, the writer and blogger, like someone you’d catch on the street.

Avoid snootiness or stuffiness in your writing. You’re winning fans.

So, make these four tweaks in your delivery. You’ll gain the freelancer web traffic you desire.

1. Use the GK Rule

Comedians call it the K Rule. Use words that bring a k (kah) and g (gah) sound into your writing. Now, you’re prime for a giggle.

Notice characters like Krusty the Clown, Bugs Bunny, and Garfield the Cat. These set us up for laughter before we notice their gag.

Also, use words that sound like the k and g sound for the same effect.

Visit on-stage comedians, and they’ll unleash sex jokes. Audience ears hear sex (seks), and know laughs are sure to come.

Here’s a comedic ingredient for your client’s tasty, blog-post stew. Hypothetical situations are ideal weather conditions for this word adventure.

Throw out if company A makes widgets. Replace it with if the Kooky Camera Company made cut-out graphics. Little change, but memorable and subtle.

In a daring mood? Include a few c and/or g words in blog titles, headings, or subheadings.

Onomatopoeia, words that mimic sounds, are available too.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! KABOOOM!!!

2. Tri-Comparison

Comedians call it the rule of threes.

It works like this. Mention two like things, then add one item that doesn’t fit.

Try it.

The moon is a heavenly body. It shines like a seven-eleven sign, glows like a prize in a cereal box, and…

If you’re a geezer like me, it scares the poop out of the peeping Tom at your window.

3. Half Your Cliché

You know how writers say no clichés. Yet, it seems natural to use them. With this technique, revive clichés. Cut your clichés in half.

Include part one of a cliche.

When the reader thinks they know what you’ll say next, wind your writing path.

You may find short clichés are a bit trickier to use than longer ones.

4. Funny Stories

Pick something that happened to you or your pal and made you smile?

It’s likely to get your audience laughing.


As a teen, I got kicked out of Albertson’s for winning too many cakes in their customer cakewalk. We had the whole neighborhood on stakeout watching the aisles and numbers. After the contest, we’d huddle at the hideout.

Bring out the delicious desert. Divvy up our score of red velvet profits. A slice for you and one, two, three for….



I had two brothers.

You know what they say. If you can’t beat em’……then charge em’ higher rent.


It’s true. During the quarantine, it’s easy to thrive.

When in Rome, we do……what Jimmy Fallon would do.

This tiny adjustment can get your prose flowing into your readers’ memory banks.

That translates into likes, shares, follows, and (dee-dump-tee-dah) more traffic for your clients!

And this means, you’ll soon become their go-to comedic conversion writer.

Keep in Mind

Ms. Jasheway cautions,

  • Use a sprinkling of humor.
  • Plus, connect humor to your main ideas.
  • Use humor on occasion and with strategy.

She advises,

  • Have a peer proof your post.
  • Does the humor distract the reader from grasping your message?
  • Second, tell your audience, they can laugh.

This is protocol when joking about serious issues and illnesses like COVID19.

Moreover, she warns,

  • Leave out sarcasm.
  • Avoid writing any blogs that victimize.
  • Toss those posts out with the rough draft.

Is this on?

So, the joke bombed.

So what? Most people applaud your effort.

Being funny is hard. But if you sit down to do serious writing instead of standing-up for comedy, you’ll make a mistake.

Writing with humor serves many worthwhile purposes,

  • Your stand-up (comedy) benefits your readers.
  • When they’re laughing, they bond with you.
  • They will remember your content.

Plus, you’ve seen how easy it is to tweak humor into your writing for clients!

Tying on the Bow

  • K-G rule-include words that have a c or g sound in your posts. This linguistic taste sets up your audience for laughter.
  • Rule of Threes-compare two like things, with one, unlike thing. Give the reader a snicker. No chocolate necessary.
  • Half-clichés-bait readers by including part of a cliché. Then, surprise!  It’s an unexpected ending.

Funny stories-slide in humorous stories. Focus on tales that made you laugh. Odds are this is a win-win with your audience.

Finally, experiment with humor in your writing. Insert it with purpose. It works best when the punchline connects to your bottom-line. Don’t let your ink sink to sarcasm.

What’s Next?

  • For more information, check-out humor-related books from virtual libraries.
  • Tell me which humor technique you’re testing out in your blog.
  • (Clear!) Gzzzzzzzzzzzzzttt! I’m pressing my electrical shock paddles onto my favorite clichés.

Comment below.

If you discovered something new, share this with bloggers or followers.  Soon, we will have the whole internet choking up with tears…of laughter.

Jeff Syblik is a professor turned freelance writer for hire. He loves working to create your powerful media.  Visit his blog at jeffsyblik.com. Here, he shares secrets of writing and personal/professional development.  When free, he enjoys watching comedy with family, guitar, and cookies hot off the pan.

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LOL! Today is my birthday and you made my day! LOL!! Thanks so much for the shoutout. 🙂 Take care!Reply to Susie
No problem. Thank you, Susie, for reading the post. I am glad you enjoyed it.Reply to Jeff